
Lesson 11---My Foreign Classmates

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第十一課 我的外籍同學

◎Reading There are several foreign students in my class. John is American. He’s from the United States. Laura is Spanish. She’s from Spain. Chen and Huang are Chinese, but they are not from Taiwan. They’re from Malaysia. They’re overseas Chinese. We’re from different countries, but we all get along well. ◎閱讀 我班上有幾名外籍學生,約翰是美國人,他來自美國。蘿拉是西班牙人,她來自西班牙。 小陳和小黃是中國人,但他們卻非來自臺灣,他們來自馬來西亞,他們是華僑。 我們來自不同的國家,不過我們都相處得很好。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:841)